The Transition from Winter to Spring

Thursday, April 1, 2021 9:18 PM Plants A Plenty, planting seeds, greenhouse, soil, cover crops

The longer evenings, the chill of colder weather easing, the birds singing, and flowers blooming, there is plenty to love about the spring season and if you’re a gardener, you are probably anxious to get outside to plant your garden! Before you get too excited planting the seeds preparing your garden bed is the first step! Here are some tips, according to Epic Gardening to follow before you plant.

Clean your tools

Take time to fully disinfect your tools. You probably got most of the dirt off before putting them away, but a soak in a solution of 10% bleach to 90% water for about a half-hour will kill off any soil pathogens that might still be present. A good coat of oil between uses will keep your tools from building up rust.

Clean your greenhouse

Your greenhouse needs a good thorough cleaning before all your young plants take up residence. It might be cold outside, but this spares you the need to do it later. Eliminate old debris, clean off shelves, sweep out soil remnants, and wash the clear surfaces so light easily penetrates.

Preparing garden beds

Early spring is ideal timing to add soil nutrients, ensure the soil isn’t compacted, and remove any stray weeds. Many people choose this time of year for tilling, as well (although if you’re using no-till methods, you may be able to skip that step).

Weed management

Start by eliminating any weeds that have appeared. Weeds have a way of spontaneously erupting the moment you even think of the word “spring”, and you’ll find them nearly every year.
Take them out by the roots so there’s no chance of them resprouting and continuing to grow and spread.

Check Your Soil

Spring is when you’d also work your cover crops into the soil and give them a couple of weeks to start decomposition before planting. Cover crops provide a great nutrition boost to young plants.

Whether you’re looking for new plants to refresh your home or garden, needing new tools or pots, or just stopping in to visit our shop, we know you’ll leave Plants A Plenty happy, satisfaction guaranteed. Plants A Plenty also offers landscape design, maintenance, and clean-up. We can deliver your items, deliver and plant your trees or do all the work for you! Doing it all on your own? We carry fertilizer, plant food, insecticides, and implements – we also mix our own garden soil! Have questions about the best way to care for your garden? Just ask us – advice is always free! Visit our Facebook page or website to see our newest offerings and updated information, or give us a call at (580) 237-1394.
